This does require editing a DLL file however with something like HxD and changing a few values however it is fairly easy. Pretty much the same steps above still apply but if you want to get rid of the annoying NPC counter that appears with seta developer "1" you can do this method. I've finally decided to play this game again mainly because i wanted to stream it and i wanted to solve the FOV and NPC issue with the expansion packs and thanks to wide screen gaming forums it seems we can now have both :) If you wish to change your FOV I think you might need to do it in the config because turning off developer i think turns off the ability to change the FOV.ĮDIT : So this is a long time edit coming! Remember to have seta developer as 0 or you will get that annoying NPC numbers on the bottom left of your screen. Do one expansion at a time and hopefully it should work for you guys. So repeat the steps for Medal of Honor Allied assault start a new game then add the lines to the unnamed soldier.cfg in the main folders of the expansion packs. While the instructions are similar YOU MUST START A NEW GAME or the settings will always reset. it took me an hour just to get the resoluitions working properly. Now the expansions are a bit more complicated and it wasn't explained in the NPC fix from the other forum. If it worked congratulations! First step completed. If for some reason this did not work, delete the config and try again but this time after setting up your settings START A NEW GAME! Once it has finished loading "in this case you should be in the back of the truck, quit the game and add those lines again (make sure there aren't any duplicates using the find option in your text editor (Ctrl+F by default) An easy way to do this is to use Steam and add a steam shortcut and when the message that says "press shift tab top open the community screen appears" you can see if it has changed or not to your typical reslolution and is really handy. Save the config close it and boot up medal of honor allied assault to see if the settings changed. Seta developer "0" //setting to 1 will cause number of npcs to display. Seta r_customheight "1080" //set this variable to whatever you want the resolution to be. Seta r_customwidth "1920" //set this variable to whatever you want the resolution to be. You want to add these lines under the very last seta option at the bottom of your text editor just above the // (for the expansion packs Mainta is Spearhead while Maintt is Breakthrough.) Once you have done this close the game and go into Main/Config and you will find the config file unnamedsoldier.cfg. Boot up the game and setup all your settings without changing the resolution to your liking, this includes controls, sound and advanced options. Ok lets first get the original game out of the way first. I myself am using the 10th aniversary edition but it should work all the same.

I had a huge difficulty getting this games expansions to use widescreen because it kept resetting their own settings and would like to write a small guide on how these issues might be solved for others as they were solved for me.įirst you need to install all 3 games before starting any of them. Follow his guide first and if it doesn't work for you for the expansions come back here and go the paragraph that starts with "now the expansions are a bit more complicated" First off credit for finding out why the npcs numbers come up and stops the issue should be directed to this forum post on this link, this Is a guide mainly for those who have issues with getting widescreen resolution issues for the expansions